Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mission Statement

I've been reading a lot of blogs these days, and after wiping the vomit off of my chin I've taken the time to realize what makes a good blog: a theme.  Yes, random blogging is boring, theme based blogging is fun.  So, in my second post, I've decided that my blog will be about something near and dear to my heart: shit that pisses me off.

I'll never be one of those bloggers who people turn to to get a full dose of daily affirmations.  Nor will I be a blogger who will change the world.  Nay, my calling is to provide a place for like-minded jerks like myself to rant about the things that make this world a little less great.  Or a little less awesome.  Or plain sucky.  Yes, I'm a huge cynic.  Don't read any further if you're looking to be inspired, motivated, lifted-up, or anything of a positive nature.  No, this space is strictly reserved for just plain bitching.  Yes, I'm going to rant and rave and should anyone even read here, I hope that I can strike a nerve.

I plan on taking on all sorts of topics, but I will most likely write about the things that piss me off the most.  Some of these topics will include politics, religion, alcohol, cycling, music, sports and whatever else I feel like bitching about.  If you're a rosy outlook, glass-is-half-full kind of person, then this blog is probably not for you.  If you get irked at the littlest thing, like the crust on the toothpaste tube, then this is your place.  I will welcome comments, and will respond to the best ones. I don't expect to have any followers, so this promise is a lot of bullshit at this point.

My goal is to post a whole lot.  But drinking, TV, and football, might prevent that.  I don't think you can truly be a world renown blogger unless you blog drunk half of the time, so I aim to fulfill that requirement.  I encourage any comments about poor grammar, punctuation, or cleanliness. Maybe we will have a long and happy journey together.  Yeah, right.  Fucking bullshit.